Argon (Ar) - Drug, Food, Gas, Proficiency Laboratory Testing Services

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    ARGON (Ar)

    Argon (Ar) is a colorless, odorless, non-reactive, and inert gas. A crude Argon stream containing up to 5% Oxygen is removed from the main Air Separation Column and purified to produce the Commercial Purity Grade Argon. Argon can also be recovered from Eexhaust streams of certain Ammonia plants.

    Argon (Ar) is also used as a Carrier Gas in Chromatography, Sputtering, Plasma Etching, and Ion implantation. It provides a Blanket Atmosphere in Crystal growth, Viticulture, and Pharmaceutical Packaging. As an Insulating Gas, Argon is popular for improving Thermal Insulation in Multi-pane Windows. It has many protective applications in Iron, Steel, and Heat treatment industries – particularly for Metals susceptible to Nitriding when treated in a Nitrogen-based atmosphere.

    EFRAC delivers the Best Quality Services to its Customers by ensuring Safety utilities like Smoke Detectors, Firefighting Tools, Gas Leakage Detectors, Emergency Accident Management, and Biometric Access Control units at Laboratories. Herein, various analytical parameters like SOX, and NOX Emission Studies as well as Industrial Gas Testing are covered.

    efrac -argon

    ARGON (Ar)




    • Purity
    • Water Vapor
    • Carbon monoxide
    • Oxygen


    • Total Moisture Analyzer
    • High & Low Pressure Sampling Kit
    • Gas Dilution System
    • Gas Chromatograph with SCD & PDHID
    • Gas Chromatograph with MSD-FID-FID, Gas Chromatograph with TCD


    • European Industrial Gases Association (EIGA)
    • Compressed Gas Association (CGA)
    • British Pharmacopoeia, European Pharmacopoeia
    • Indian Pharmacopoeia
    • Japanese Pharmacopoeia
    • United States Pharmacopoeia