Veterinary Drugs are Modern Drugs used within Animal Husbandry not only to cure and prevent diseases but also to increase Weight Gain and Tranquilize them during Transportation. These are used as Preventives, and Curatives, to facilitate Weight Gain and for their Tranquilization for Transportation. These are groups of Drugs that are used to cater to Preventive/Curative and Promotional Healthcare of Pet, Domestic and Wild Animals.
EFRAC performs a Complete Analysis of all Contemporary Veterinary Products like Dip Concentrates, Intra-mammary Infusions, Premixes, Veterinary Aerosols, Veterinary Diagnostics, Veterinary Oral Liquids, Veterinary Oral Powders, Veterinary Tablets, Veterinary Vaccines, and Veterinary Parenteral Preparations along with Analytical Method Development, Validation and Stability Studies.
EFRAC takes on 360 Analysis of all Contemporary Veterinary Products like Veterinary – Dip Concentrates, Intra-mammary Infusions, Premixes, Aerosols, Diagnostics, Oral Liquids, Oral Powders, Tablets, Vaccines, and Parenteral Preparations apart from Analytical Method Development, Validation, and Stability Studies.
Veterinary Drug Testing