Containment, and Convenience Factors, need for the Integrity Preservation of Products in different States – Raw, Semi-processed, or Processed make Packaging, an absolute necessity.
Packaging is a multi-functional Instrument that performs all the above and more. It Safeguards Food against Environmental Exposure – Light, Air, Moisture, etc. decelerates Food Spoilage, Degradation, and the Depletion of Nutritional Value and Sensory Qualities like Taste, Texture, and Aroma extends a Product’s Shelf Life. Freshness Maintenance is Critical for the Safety and Quality of Perishables like Dairy, Meat, and Fresh Produce.
Primary Secondary, and Tertiary are the 03 main Pharma Packaging types helping Drug maintain their Quality, Safety, and Efficacy. Labels carry crucial information like Dosage, Date of Expiry, and proper conditions for Storage.
Packaging is now a major instrument for positively affecting Consumer perception toward a particular product. Automated production processes, digital technologies, and the boom in advertising brought machine-conformant materials into play.
Increased awareness among the common citizenry about possible adverse health effects (personal, environmental) of many Packaging Materials in use has brought about the enforcement of stringent laws regulating their use in Food and Pharma Packaging. Food and Pharma Regulations now specify materials for different product types.
Regulations dictate that the quality of Packaging Materials be rigorously tested by Specialized, Accredited, Packaging Testing Analytical Laboratories to ensure Consumer Safety.
EFRAC has a dedicated team for testing and certifying the quality of Food, Drinking Water, and Pharmaceutical Packaging. EFRAC’s Testing Protocols conform to Standards laid down by the EU, DIN, for Food and Beverages, IP, USP-NF, EP, BP, JP for Pharma, and ISO, BIS, and ASTM in case of both.