Water Quality has become a major phenomenon in the world platform due to the heavy water pollution ratio. Water Management is the systematic process of controlling and moving the water resources in order to minimize water contamination risks. Water Quality Testing helps in determining the presence of the contaminants and the nutrients within water for maintaining the standard and quality of Water.
EFRAC is one of the most sophisticated and well-equipped Analysis and Testing laboratories in India and has been serving in the food and water industry for several years. EFRAC has World-Class Analytical Facility for the Water Division along with highly trained professionals and state-of-the-art-instrumentation for providing precise results to the clients.
PARAMETERSDrinking Water as per IS: 10500-1991 Packaged Drinking Water as per IS 14543 Water for Fermentation Industry as per IS 4700-1968 RA 1999 |
• IS INSTRUMENTS • Autoclave |